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The International Poster Biennial in Mexico A.C. (Bienal Cartel AC), is a civil association founded in 2011 dedicated to the poster, with the focus of being an agent in charge of collecting your information and making history of your graphics, not only for being an effective means of transmitting messages, but also for its visual value and the applied design. Likewise, the Biennial has been conceived, from its origins, as the platform for the exchange of information of creators where related projects are born or promoted.

¿Who we

The International Poster Biennial in Mexico A.C. (Bienal Cartel AC), is a civil association founded in 2011 dedicated to the poster, with the focus of being an agent in charge of collecting your information and making history of your graphics, not only for being an effective means of transmitting messages, but also for its visual value and the applied design. Likewise, the Biennial has been conceived, from its origins, as the creator’s information exchange platform where related projects are born or promoted.

BICM is the brand for all the products organized by the poster biennial, that is, the total number of projects that are in charge of this non-profit civil association.


BICM+ es la marca de todos los productos que organiza la bienal del cartel, es decir el  total de proyectos que están a cargo de esta asociación civil sin fines de lucro.

The International Poster Biennial in Mexico is one of the three oldest in the world and the forerunner of its kind in America. Here ideas are turned into projects through our international poster contest where visual creators converge. Every two years, our civil association of the same name, organizes the best positioned poster event in Mexico and a benchmark in the five continents. This initiative has transformed other biennials around the world, given Mexico an image and presence abroad, and initiated young people in teaching design as a transformer of the environment. Since its inception, our project has been the forerunner with an educational format and is currently a leader in the implementation of virtual technologies.

It is the moment when you can meet designers of national and international stature. The poster biennial organizes, every two years, a poster contest that becomes one of the most outstanding events in design at the Franz Mayer Museum; however, even though you can converge with personalities, CID is the optimal time to do so. This design congress is not only designed as the moment for you to relate, expose and connect your personal projects, but we also seek to enrich it. Through conferences, workshops, exhibitions and multiple activities, we want to bring you the tools to make your professional purposes possible and strong.

Formar para diseñar.

It is the collection of interviews, publications and more than 70 thousand posters compiled from our editions, with the purpose of safeguarding one of the most important collections at an international level. This file was donated in 2015 to the UASLP, in favor of the conservation and distribution of his work, which led to the creation of Casa Cartel, University Center for Graphic Research, administered by the Faculty of Habitat. We are proud and committed, in both conservation and display work, of the vast collection of works that represent years of dialogue, creative and cultural evolution.

Nuestro camino al presente.

It is our collection of works alluding to specific themes, which commemorate relevant events, important authors, everyday life, design, poster culture, rights, historical, political, and social needs. These collections include collaborations with various creators, which are part of the exhibitions that we hold every year.

It is the information system that adapts to our digital strategies, ranging from interviews with renowned artists and photos that portray our history, to an archive of doodles. This content brings together simultaneous media and is intended for dissemination through various channels; as is the case of the application, social networks and web.

Content that sets trends.

It is where you can buy all our official products made especially for all design lovers. Here you will find the articles of our moorings, such as special edition pins, t-shirts, stickers and everything related to our collections and exhibitions. This merchandise is another way to keep design as an expression present.

With biennial mark.


It is the working group, made up of social service providers and practitioners, of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico. With the aim of training professionals, we are committed to recreating the work environments where the apprentices, under the supervision of the area managers, are faced with devising, solving, managing and proposing solutions to the characteristic workflows of the field. We seek to demonstrate that, when what is privileged is the passion for the trade, the quality of work is achieved regardless of the academic degrees.

Disruptive creativity laboratory.

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