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A tribute to Vicente Rojo.

On 1959 I proposed to José Azorín and the Espresate brothers, my friends and collaborators of Imprenta Madero, the creation of a small editorial, whose books could be printed in the times when the machines were inactive. The project had the enthusiastic support of Don Tomás Espresate, who set only one condition: that the publishing house should be composed exclusively of young people (none of us were yet thirty). So with the initials of our surnames and a great deal of unconsciousness we formed Ediciones Era. The covers of the first edition, Ancho Mundo, on current political topics, were designed with large letters, generally drawn by me, in the manner of mini-posters. For the covers of the second one, on literary themes, I decided to use only one typeface, Egypt, in high and low for the author and high for the title, while the image could be changed freely. At the same time we started the Alacena series, which was my laboratory: all the covers and the inside pages were different and, as has been usual in all my work, I tried to make the most of the economic limitations.

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